Santa Zoa Performance // Athens Bienalle – Heaven
“They say a human body becomes lighter by twenty one grams, once it has ceased living. This is how much a soul weighs. Although no science would confirm this, and although not all people believe that God ever breathed on Adam, most of them probably feel at one point or another that there must somehow be an ‘essence’ of life, something more than a mere body, something that encapsulates all that we are.” Athens Bienalle Few snapshots from performance SANTA ZOA, that took part in Athens Bienalle//Heaven 2009, and I was pleased to be a part of it with nomass group. ———- “Λένε ότι, όταν ο άνθρωπος πεθαίνει, το ανθρώπινο σώμα γίνεται ελαφρότερο κατά 21 γραμμάρια. Τόσο ζυγίζει η ανθρώπινη ψυχή. Παρόλο που κάτι τέτοιο δεν είναι επιστημονικά αποδεδειγμένο και δεν πιστεύουν όλοι ότι ο Θεός εμφύσησε τη ζωή στον άνθρωπο, οι περισσότεροι μάλλον θεωρούν ότι με τον έναν ή […]